Friday, September 30, 2011

Indie Film 'Light Masters' Shows Promise (Kind of)

Alright, folks. Very little is known about Light Masters besides the fact that it is trying to be made into an actual film and that Seth Green is backing it up. The site for the production lists a hodge podge crew that is currently working on the film but even so, Light Masters still looks to be in the VERY early stages of development. Here's what the website says about the plot of the independent film: 
"In this Sci-fi, Matrix-meets-Indiana Jones tale, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur as the film’s 16-year old heroine struggles to find her true calling.  Rigg creates a rich world filled with conspiracy and the threat of a new world order.  Who plays?  Who resists?  In one of the most important themes of the 21st century, the question is not who wins... but how."
 It's tough to be an independent film maker and still produce a good quality film like this. There just isn't enough money to make a believable film and it ends up looking like a joke. However, seeing as the Light Masters website holds a section for donations it is likely that Kelly Rigg (the filmmaker behind this operation) is also aware of that fact and won't finish production until they reach the proper quality of film. 

If the film shows promise to you, check out the site. All movies start small but with money anything can start to look good (Pirates 5, anyone?). Maybe your donation will be the one to make a difference.

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