Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Awkward Kristin

I love that this girl doesn't understand how to exit the shot. Good thing, because her confusion is hilarious.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bonjour, Girl

This made me laugh for many of the same reasons that the Honey Badger made me laugh. Something about the voice over paired with the sassy gay attitude makes it magical. Fair warning: very few people I have shown this to so far actually found it funny so it's possible I just have a weird sense of humor. However, I don't know how anyone can avoid laughing at the library scene.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's Oscar Night Bitches!

This is probably the least enthusiastic I have ever been for the Academy Awards. I mean, just watch the ad! Robin Williams was the only reason it was fun. Although, things are already starting to look up. Once I saw Sacha Baron Cohen arrive in his Dictator costume I knew the night was going to get better. Fingers crossed that my intuition doesn't fail me!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ahaha I couldn't resist posting this after seeing it. Mainstay Productions does a bunch of cool short videos and I actually came across them for their series of Hunger Games related movies. They made a series of short videos for the Finnick/Annie storyline and one short film about the second quarter quell. Pretty impressive stuff.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Spiderman Viral Campaign

I absolutely loved the effort that went into The Dark Knight when it was first being promoted and it looks like Marvel is attempting the same creativity. Not only was there a campaign on that allowed people to graffiti Spiderman's symbol across several cities, there was also a search to 'find' Peter Parker's backpack all over the country. The article has more pictures and information about what happened but I cannot wait for the next installment.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

JK Rowling Working on New Book?

Alright, the article is super vague and obviously this book is quite a ways from being published but it is happening! She has a new publisher and is aiming for the adult crowd so I'm guessing this will be a shift in gears from Harry Potter. Follow the link for the full article! Huffington Post

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Disney Hip Hop

Crappy video but nothing tops a good beat; unless it's a good beat mixed with some Disney! If you love this kind of stuff make sure to check out djDOYOU and the other songs on his "Stuntin Like Mufasa" mixtape. Or just search him on youtube like I did and listen to the whole album. Either way, most of the songs are surprisingly good mixes. Make a Man Touch the Sky was one of my favorites:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Deviantartist Spotlight

In the spirit of promoting original artwork and artists I've decided to highlight Nimra from deviantart.  This guy is probably from another planet, because his drawings are so detailed and perfect that I'm going to refuse to accept that he's human.
That's all HAND DRAWN people.  Not a photo.  I can't believe it either.  Check out his gallery and favorite some of those masterpieces! Nimra:)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Desktop of the Week

Happy President's Day weekend everybody! In celebration of the holiday I present you George Washington in his zombie killing days. Talk to y'all after the break.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thanks, Hallmark

I'm not a V-day hater. I've never referred to it as 'single-awareness day' and this is the first year that I have actually not been single. I'm also not a hater on sending a nice card to a family member to remind them that you love them. However, this ad is a mistake.

Hallmark seriously needs to work on its advertising. Honestly, aren't most of these comments things that you should already be saying? And even if you don't say them, is a card really the way to tell someone 'how you feel'? Plus, all these people sound pretty insecure and needy. "Tell me that I'm still the one." If you need to hear that, perhaps there are some other things you should worry about instead of your husband's reassurance that you're his favorite. The "tell me you'll never let me go" lady seems completely off the rails. Pretty sure that person in the taxi is NEVER coming back to that town again.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter

My original excitement for this came from the fact that the book was awesome and that Tim Burton was behind the movie. Kind of surprised with Abe's axe wielding skills...He looks a little weird...Like, really weird...Just sayin'

Best Beatboxing Ever?

I'm curious to see if there's anyone out there who can top this as Rahzel seems to be the greatest beatboxer of all time. This song is 100% him and I still can't even imagine how he does it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Damn that Keebler Elf!

This is the time of year where I begin to frantically search every grocery store and gas station around to find my precious girl scout cookies. The greatest of all these cookies? Samoas (s'moas?). Eh, I'm too tired to google the spelling but you guys know what I'm talking about, right? Delectable caramel, chocolate and coconut circles that can never be cloned outside of the Girl Scouts of America. That is, I thought they were one-of-a-kind until the evil Keebler Elf decided to put those poor adorable scouts out of business! This picture is evidence of my discovery and it's amazing I was able to snag such an image as they were completely devoured shortly after the photo was taken. I am here to say before the whole internet that Keebler has created a monster and we can now enjoy these cookies all year round. No, I'm not getting any sort of sponsor money for featuring this, I just wanted you to know what a gift and a curse these cookies are for anyone who is a fan.


This made me chuckle. Today is the last day of Female Artist Week on Teefury and for the next 10 hours you can buy THIS awesome skyrim/transformers shirt! However, if you don't buy it in the next 10 hours than the picture link will send you to the shirt for the new day. Grab it before it's gone!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hunger Games Song

Don't worry guys. In about a month the Hunger Games will be out and my frequent posts about it will slowly dissipate. Until then, you will have to suffer through it. Kudos to my brother for knowing how much I love random videos like these.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

100 Best Movie Lines

Besides the exclusion of "show me the money," this is a pretty good list.

Buy Your Own Light Cycle

For the low, low price of $55,000 you can have your very own light cycle from Hammacher Schlemmer. Seriously, you can buy one. Quorra not included.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Best Part of the Super Bowl

I wasn't very enthused for the Super Bowl this year. I wanted the 49ers to make it all the way and once they lost the leftover teams seemed just plain boring. Even so, I still watched the game and found it to be at least mildly amusing. The commercials are always a factor to look forward to as well. Our house missed most of them due to the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet (just TRY not to watch it next year) but we caught a lot of the good ones. This is one I didn't see until this morning but it has certainly become my favorite. It's nice to see NBC laugh at themselves and have a bit of fun.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Desktop of the Week

This is a view from somewhere around the Olympic Peninsula. My friend Eric took it and I'm still amazed with how stunning it is. Hop over to his flickr page to show some love or simply be blown away by his awesome portfolio. If nothing else, the link in the picture leads to a larger image on flickr. Eric Schofhauser

Friday, February 3, 2012

Skyrim Rules All

Kind of weird when marrying in Skyrim is the most searched subject on Google. Just saying...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Potter Badassery

Props to ReillyBrown for the awesome art.

Is Netflix a Monopoly?

Clearly, they don't care.
When I think about my options for renting a movie only two companies come to mind: Netflix and Redbox. Both are different in their own way but both have the same purpose, which is to provide movie rentals to us. Netflix has already been raising prices and now Redbox might be facing that choice as well. MSN just released a short article about the fact that Warner Brothers wants the two companies to wait 56 days after a film release to provide rentals (the current wait is 28 days). In this request, Netflix agreed with WB while Redbox refused. The bottom line is that Redbox will now have to pay more for Warner Brothers releases because they will have to turn to sources outside of the film company.

My question has to do with why Netflix didn't back up Redbox's choice. It's clear that Netflix has the upper hand, what with subscribers paying monthly fees to have access to a much broader range of films. Redbox relies almost entirely on new releases and rarely carries the same films more than a couple of months. Also, if Redbox has to start raising prices it is more than likely that people will turn to Netflix as the smarter way to get 'more bang for your buck.' So what do we do? If people continue to turn to Netflix for movie rentals there will be nothing to stop the company from consistently raising prices. I don't see them going anywhere in the future but up and there really isn't any true competition to stand in their way. Any thoughts on this? Am I crazy for even caring?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It Could Not Be More True

All I can say is lololololololol to this picture. Having played all of these games, I have certainly felt this. Resident Evil is my favorite series of games but I can honestly say I would never want to face off against a giant claw-spider-zombie-monster. Thanks for the nightmares, Capcom.

The Best Lamp Ad

Talk about 'out with the old, in with the new.' This IKEA ad was done by Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich) and while it's old, it still says a lot about how the many aspects of a film can manipulate us to feel certain emotions.