Thursday, September 15, 2011

New JGL Trailer

 Yeah, 50/50 is technically the latest Joesph Gordon-Levitt film but we all have heard about it so it's time for some new stuff. Thankfully, he has a new film coming out this January. Premium Rush, a film circling around a New York bike messenger and some sort of thrilling mystery of his latest package lead him to a crazy chase around the city. Not exactly oscar winner but still more evidence that JGL doesn't like to do films that have been made a dozen times over.

Even 50/50 seems like a new idea. It seems like most movies involving cancer dwell on the fact that it is not a happy thing and the characters die. This film looks to be one about facing your future head on and making the best of things. Granted, I could be completely wrong. Feel free to let me know if 50/50 is actually a dose of depression for the masses.

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