Friday, July 15, 2011

There are No Words...

Today is quite a sad day. Here it is, around 12:30 and where am I not? Why, the Harry Potter premiere, of course! I'm sure that any fans of this site are expecting a word or two about how the film was, or even a review, but alas, I did not make time to see the film. Don't get me wrong, I will be first in line when Saturday hits but until that day I have blinded myself from facebook in an effort to protect myself from any film spoilers. Yes, I may know what happens in the book but the film is a whole different thing!

I do, however, have a couple of things to share in the place of my lacking movie info. Something fairly cool is the fact that the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida is currently open from 3-5am right now to entertain all who saw the movie at midnight. What I would give to be there now. I'm sure fans and freaks of all sorts are walking around there now, dressrobes and everything, drinking butterbeer and debating about what went well and what needed work. It's the end of an era, and it's been a good run.

Also, has an awesome shirt up celebrating the release in the US today. As is the site's custom, the shirt will be available until midnight eastern time tomorrow. Then it's gone forever. Definitely gonna have to crack open the piggy bank for this one.

And finally, a bit of shock: This...

is Neville Longbottom!?! Wow. Well he certainly turned out alright.

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